2010年7月2日 星期五

Let get start with ABC about social networking platforms

Someone said online media platform will finally take the place of traditional print media, like newspapers and weekly magazines, etc. Of course, someone said no to the statement. No matters what the future will be, no one can deny the quick development of online media and how the netizen1 are enthusiast to internet.

I’m going to talk about some social networking platforms which are very popular in Hong Kong and Asia in the following entries. Here are the links to some of the popular social networking websites among Hong Kong market:

Facebook: www.facebook.com
Openrice: www.openrice.com
Yahoo Blog: hk.blog.yahoo.com
Xanga: www.xanga.com
Blogger/Blogspot: www.blogger.com
Mini Blog(China): t.sina.com.cn

1. Netizen: A term representing people who actively involved in online communities.

Useful Link:
Explaination of "Social Networking" on Wikipedia

